Final Paper Guideline
Release Time:04.21.2024

Authors must submit their final version of camera-ready papers electronically in PDF format through the Online Paper Submission.

Before submitting the final version, authors are expected to revise their paper, taking into account the feedback from the reviewers (note: the accepted paper should also be resubmitted as its final version in the website). Only the final versions will be included in the conference proceedings.


Instruction for Final Paper Submission

1. At least one of the authors MUST register for the conference when the final version is uploaded. Please make a registration before the final paper submission.
(All of the conference participants should complete the registration.)
Online registration:
Online Registration - Online Registration - The 14th Asian Control Conference (

  * Note: For presenters who submit more than one paper, there is an extra paper charge of USD 200 per an additional paper.

  * Note: A paper needs to be kept within 6 pages. A maximum of two (2) additional pages is permitted at an extra charge (USD 100 per page).


2. Please upload the final version in PDF format.
  * Note: Please use the templates at Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings to prepare the camera-ready paper. Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings:
  * Note: Submitted papers MUST be in Portable Document Format (PDF). No other formats will be accepted.
  * Note: The size of the PDF file to be sent electronically should NOT exceed ten megabytes (10 MB), regardless of the number of pages.


3. Final paper submission.
Login to the conference paper management system:, click ASCC2024 Author Center, click Final submission. After filling in the PaperCode, you can submit the final paper.


If you submit the final paper, we consider that the authors agree to transfer the copyright to the Asian Control Conference (ACA).